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Old 04-26-2011, 01:53 AM   #1
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Hello. I'm Robert. My aunt has my Grandfather's 1971 Suburban that has been in the family since new. She is going to let me have it to restore with the stipulation that it never leaves the family. She said she'd rather have it sit and rot into the ground before it ever went to someone else.

For what it is, and having sit in the pasture for many years since my Grandfather passed, it is in pretty good shape. It'll have to be a frame off restoration due to its living conditions, but nothing unmanageable. Just some rot on the door sills and around the tailgate. He built houses for a living. He removed the back seat and that old truck carried all his tools and materials all over the Eastern US. Me getting it and bringing it back to life will be a great honor.

Anyways, I'll be tooling around the site and getting as many ideas as I can and some advice when needed. Later!

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