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Old 03-10-2011, 02:08 PM   #30
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Re: cpp frustrations

I'm going to jump in a little and give a 3rd party perspective as I have worked, retail, manufacture, and manufacture retail in the 12 years I've been in the Industry. The first company I started with was back in 99 I was the 4th employee and grew with the company we went from being 4 guys in a 3000sqft shop to 30 guys and gals in a 25000 sqft shop in a 3 year period of time. During that time we went from being a functional small personable shop to a power house manufacturing, sales, and logistics and let me tell you business was good phones ringing sales, shipping etc. but going from shipping 20 packages a day to 300-500 makes a world of difference. People are human and they make mistakes, obviously those mistakes are going to seem larger then what they are on the forums because we all post the mishaps and not the good deals. That's why most businesses do not look at the amount of mistakes but the percentage of mistakes, you take 1 mistake out of 20-40 shipments it may not seem that bad, but you multiply the shipments by 10 and the errors by 10 it seems like there are more mistakes ( because there are) but it is the same percentage just a larger scale ( hope I'm making sense).
I was the sales manager at my 1st employer and I got to hear it all, I took every issue case by case in good business it is not if there is a mistake but how that mistake is handled which seperates the good from the bad. As I always say I'll always bend over backwards but never forward LOL...
CPP may seem like a large company but in the sceme of things they're a small company trying to supply good products at a resonable price. At the end of the day they're all good guys over there and making a living (no ones getting rich), they're not doing this to get over on any one it doesn't benefit them or you being behind, but to get you the parts you need. I've been on both sides of the counter and understand the frustration and headaches from both parties.
Give Jeff a shot I'm sure he do the best of his abilities will make the situation right. I've been told 2-3 week lead times by some of the best companies in the biz and am ok with that, I would rather have a realistic time frame and recieve it early then a lie and have to call and see where my parts are at.
Last thing I have toured Summit, Jegs, and Motorstate Distributing these Companys are LARGE I'm talking multiple 500,000sqft- 1,000,000 sqft facilities across the US with 24hr sales, shipping and logistics there is no way any one will be able to compete with the ship times on such a vast scale, they are like a machine and to compare CPP to them is not fair..

Last edited by tech@scottshotrods; 03-10-2011 at 02:13 PM.
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