Thread: MAR-K rant
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Old 03-10-2007, 08:55 AM   #24
68 short step
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Re: MAR-K rant

Originally Posted by rauto13 View Post
I used to work at a "mom & pop" auto parts store (my dad's) for about 15 years. He lived about ten minutes from the store and I lived about 20 minutes from the store. The store was open from 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Friday and 8:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays. Almost every weekend someone would either call Dad or me for some part that was "needed" after business hours. We were both willing to go and open the store and help out someone who needed something to keep their vehicle running, so they could get to work.

Now, like I said this happened almost every weekend, for me to wash my hands (always working on some old car), change clothes, drive 10 miles to the store, open up, find the part, take cash, talk a bit, close the store, drive home, change back into old clothes and continue what I was doing took me about 2 hours. I like my weekends and days off, but my Dad did teach me you have to take care of your customers.

What I also found out was every Saturday about 11:30 the store would get very busy, right before quittin time. Then I started keeping the store open by myself from 12:00 to 4:00 on Saturdays to make a little extra money. When I did that, surprisingly enough, at 11:30 there were hardly any customers, but about 3:30, the store would be packed. And then you get the call as you are walking out the door that some guy (15 minutes away) needs a spark plug for his lawnmower and wants you to wait on him (true story).

The word gets around when someone is willing to help out customers and take that extra effort to work around other people's schedule, which is good, but there are some people that will wait to the last minute and expect someone else to put their life on hold, cause they wanted to finish watching their tv show. The people that take advantage of others good nature is what is what spoils it for those who really appreciate a helping hand.

Another issue that came up all too often was that when Dad or me would take that extra effort for customers, some would still go down the street to another store sometimes to save $1.00 on a part. That was probably my Dad's biggest pet peeve. So much for loyalty, he would say.
what store did ya'll own? Pryor is full of good people willing to go the extra mile to help you out.... i was born there, lived there, and still have family living there..... i know the mentallity of Pryor folks (and i guess its like mine), but alot of places arnt like that anymore, which at times get frustrating and dissappointing........also when i help someone out and it inconvences me, i never let the other person/s know, just because i dont want them to feel like they're a burdden...
ahh,,, if everyone thought like Pryor folks this would be a nice world indeed...

Last edited by 68 short step; 03-10-2007 at 08:56 AM.
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