Thread: Rods 57
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Old 10-20-2016, 03:06 PM   #485
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Re: Rods 57

just going back a page or 2 to where you were having contamination issues with the air. I have installed an electric auto drain on my tank which is wired to the shop lights. that way it only drains when the lights are on-when you are in the shop basically. this really helped with moisture when using the sandblasting cabinet. the drain is adjustable for length of drain and frequency of drain cycle. it does sorta scare the sh@%t outta guys that don't know it is there. especially if they happen to be standing next to the tank, haha.
I have had issues in the past with contaminants while painting and came to the conclusion that my air lines and hoses were to blame. I use my shop for mechanical repairs mostly, with some bodywork blitzes from time to time, and I was using my regular air hoses and regulators etc when painting. bad idea. the shop hoses had contaminants in the hoses that came out when spraying. I have dedicated paint hoses and regs/filters etc to use for painting now. no more issues. I ran some cleaner through the shop hoses and was quite surprised to find what came out.
another thing I have seen on these forums is guys that use newspaper for masking. it works but is covered in fine "dust", for lack of a better word, that gets blown off onto the fresh painted surface as you are spraying. that masking paper may seen expensive until you gotta clean up a mess on the otherwise great looking paint job.
ok, end of rant.
your truck stuff looks great, by the way. good luck with the back. take it easy man.
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