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Old 11-03-2016, 08:05 PM   #19
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Re: Dave kindig Chevy blazer

It's the internet folks. The place where your opinion can be heard by all and where people will take advantage of that. Honestly, I watch these shows with my father sometimes and we do the same thing some are doing in this thread. "I like what they did here" "I don't know if I like that there" "ugh what were they thinking doing that to that poor..."

This is one of the better car shows on tv and I like the cast. I commend all those involved in the show for ditching most of the fabricated reality car show bull excriment as well. They still do it now and then but it's more tolerable than most of the others. I also like the truck a lot. If I had to nit pick I hate how many leave the air filter out in the open on these engines. It looks unfinished, like they ran out of time, couldn't come up with a good idea for an airbox or just said "eh that's good enough". When I'm in that position with my own shop I'll allocate a couple hours to a guy to build an airbox. Now how do I get in that position with my own shop?

If you want to see an example of a truck that should be torn apart, check out some coverage of SEMA 2016.

Edit: I deleted the rest of the last paragraph where I detailed a "what did they do to that poor truck" moment. Decided better of singling out the truck.

Last edited by Overdriven; 11-03-2016 at 08:32 PM.
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