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Old 04-21-2005, 08:01 PM   #27
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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junk yard john, as has been mentioned here, and as I said the last time you spoke of your accident, extreme accidents are far and few, and not everyone will end up in one. The extreme nature of your accident...while horrific, kinda removes it from the question at hand being that it is not the common accident. Why do i say it is extreme? Personally, i have never known anyone...nor read about anyone, who had the cab of there truck ripped off anf thrown from the frame...let alone living to tell about it. (obviously with the exception of you) You were in a no win situation. If the fuel tank was not there, then there woulda been something else you woulda been complaining about as you laied in the mud and twisted the metal dash board that was pinching your legs (just guessing) Or the windows that didn't shatter into a million pieces, and instead had large sharp edges that probably accounted for some of the 300 stitches in your head.
If you, the truck owner, relocates the fuel tank, and never gets it certified, and sopme one else is injured or killed, in this day and age, you will be held responsible. We all know this to be it or not, agree with it or not.
The side mounted fuel tanks was a bad idea...I think we can all agree with least in the way it was done anyways. Under the bed, not really a good place. if it was a good place, then one of the truck builders woulda done it at one point or another. The only GOOD place is under the front of the bed...maybe under the cab, like just about every truck built in the last 20 years. However, most of us are not willing/able to do that.
So to answer the original question, if your tank does not leak, and you manage to stay out of an accident that will rip the body off the frame, then yes, inside the cab is the safest practicle location for your fuel tank.
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