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sakustoms 01-12-2022 03:22 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
I will never get used to the cold. The older I get the more I hate the heat.

I can't wait to retire and move to Arizona. :waah:

Kronald_70GMC 01-16-2022 06:04 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
1 Attachment(s)
Cab back and Driver cab corner are now ready for primer. I am currently working the drivers rocker than it is just the door jamb after that and I can prime.:metal:

sakustoms 01-19-2022 07:50 AM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
Looking real good. You will definitely be finished with cab before me. I am planning on using some high build primer over all the bodywork with 220 paper and then regular primer and block again.

I still haven't even touched the roof. :(

Kronald_70GMC 01-19-2022 12:06 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by sakustoms (Post 9021434)
Looking real good. You will definitely be finished with cab before me. I am planning on using some high build primer over all the bodywork with 220 paper and then regular primer and block again.

I still haven't even touched the roof. :(

Thank you. The roof isn't that bad really. I find the larger areas are the easiest to work with. Its all the small details that eat up the time. Keep going and before you know it, you will be passed me.

TA_C10 01-20-2022 08:03 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
This thing isn't painted yet?? :D

Kronald_70GMC 01-20-2022 10:20 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by TA_C10 (Post 9022180)
This thing isn't painted yet?? :D

Haha you know how slow I am. Still working on the cab and you've already done a whole truck:lol:

TA_C10 01-20-2022 11:36 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
LoL. Keep it up man your doing great work!


Kronald_70GMC 01-20-2022 11:50 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by TA_C10 (Post 9022269)
LoL. Keep it up man your doing great work!


Thank you sir!

Kronald_70GMC 01-23-2022 08:59 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
2 Attachment(s)
Getting close. Today I almost got finished up with the driver rocker. I have one more skim coat to sand. I also got a bit of filler on the drivers door sill. I've gotten a bit slower due to being busy with my basement development. I need to have my wife's office ready for March when she goes back to work. Keep following along and one day I'll suprise you guys and actually get some primer on this thing.:lol:

sakustoms 01-24-2022 01:56 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
Looking good.

I made a cardboard template of the cab corner at one spot so I could make sure it matches vertically and both sides were the same.

My kid told me I'm getting too picky and it's only a race car. LOL Well, it is his truck so....

Kronald_70GMC 01-24-2022 03:42 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by sakustoms (Post 9023808)
Looking good.

I made a cardboard template of the cab corner at one spot so I could make sure it matches vertically and both sides were the same.

My kid told me I'm getting too picky and it's only a race car. LOL Well, it is his truck so....

I remember making a similar cardboard template when I was putting in my cab corners.

Kronald_70GMC 01-30-2022 06:14 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
1 Attachment(s)
Just as with the other side, the cab corner to rocker area has given me greif. I thought I had it and then sanding revealed that it was still not quite right. Another few coats in that area and I finally have it. I got some more done in the door opening as well. I'll be happy when I'm finally done the rocker as I do not enjoy laying on the floor sanding up. Very hard on the arms and my glasses are constantly full of dust which I cannot easily blow away with my respirator on. :waah:

Kronald_70GMC 02-06-2022 06:09 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
1 Attachment(s)
Weekly progress update: The rocker and cab corner are done! I also have gotten a pretty good amount done with the door jamb. I've almost completed the first coat of filler and the bottom half has a second coat down. Hoping to be priming this thing by March.:metal:

Scurry67 02-08-2022 01:39 AM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
Right on man! Nice attention to detail. Getting tired of the sanding and dust yet? It’s looking great! What do you plan on starting after the cab?

Kronald_70GMC 02-08-2022 02:15 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by Scurry67 (Post 9031688)
Right on man! Nice attention to detail. Getting tired of the sanding and dust yet? It’s looking great! What do you plan on starting after the cab?

First off, thank you sir. Mostly just tired of the dust everywhere. Next will be seat brackets so I can finish the bottom of the cab floor. It will be a nice break from bodywork.

sakustoms 02-09-2022 11:52 AM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by Kronald_70GMC (Post 9031891)
First off, thank you sir. Mostly just tired of the dust everywhere. Next will be seat brackets so I can finish the bottom of the cab floor. It will be a nice break from bodywork.

You'll be done before you know it.

I finished the cab floor and sprayed it top/bottom with Raptor 2k in a can. Then I started serious bodywork and the whole floor top and bottom is covered with bondo dust and looks like crap. :whine:

I literally have dust everywhere in my garage. My entire tool box is covered with it. It's making me nuts but I refuse to clean it all up just to make more.

Kronald_70GMC 02-09-2022 01:14 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by sakustoms (Post 9032379)
You'll be done before you know it.

I literally have dust everywhere in my garage. My entire tool box is covered with it. It's making me nuts but I refuse to clean it all up just to make more.

Haha I know exactly how you feel.

sakustoms 02-09-2022 03:19 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by Kronald_70GMC (Post 9032409)
Haha I know exactly how you feel.

I've been wearing the same bondo dust covered clothes to do bodywork also and refuse to change them as they will just get tossed when I'm done.

I hate bodywork and never want to do it again. lol

Kronald_70GMC 02-14-2022 02:17 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
2 Attachment(s)
Well I wasn't sure if I should do a weekly post this week as the picture looks damn near the exact same as last week but I did get alot accomplished so I figured what the hay, better make a post.:lol: I got the vast majority of the door jamb sanded and coated again. I'm hoping it will only need a few small touchups after I sand again and then I can start the massive dust cleanup and get ready for primer. Still hoping for March.:metal:

On a side note, my little cutie is already 9 months old. That happened fast. She is very silly and happy.

sakustoms 02-15-2022 02:03 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
Where are you going to spray the primer? Are you doing this in your home garage?

I sprayed high build from a can on the jams last night and it was horrible. I had my respirator on but when I went outside I could smell it. Looked like some made it on to my brand new Jeep so I did a complete quick detailer on it. In the 20* weather. LOL

Made the mistake of going back in without the respirator and maybe 5 minutes later started getting dizzy and called it a night.

Your little one is definitely a cutie. I remember when mine were little. Now my youngest grandchild is almost 2. Geez I'm old.

Kronald_70GMC 02-15-2022 11:31 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by sakustoms (Post 9035232)
Where are you going to spray the primer? Are you doing this in your home garage?

I sprayed high build from a can on the jams last night and it was horrible. I had my respirator on but when I went outside I could smell it. Looked like some made it on to my brand new Jeep so I did a complete quick detailer on it. In the 20* weather. LOL

Made the mistake of going back in without the respirator and maybe 5 minutes later started getting dizzy and called it a night.

Your little one is definitely a cutie. I remember when mine were little. Now my youngest grandchild is almost 2. Geez I'm old.

Haha yes I'm in my home garage, I sprayed my firewall with primer probably a year ago and it wasn't bad. I had my respirator and I also have a nice exhaust fan. Seems to work pretty good. Sucks about the Jeep. Good thing you were able to get it off.

Graham57a 02-17-2022 05:46 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
Man it's looking awesome! It's cool seeing such meticulous body work done and documented, most guys on here send it out and you never get to see the process in the build thread.

Also it looks like you may have muded over your VIN plate ;)

Kronald_70GMC 02-17-2022 07:48 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by Graham57a (Post 9036253)
Man it's looking awesome! It's cool seeing such meticulous body work done and documented, most guys on here send it out and you never get to see the process in the build thread.

Also it looks like you may have muded over your VIN plate ;)

Thank you sir. I've never really thought about it like that. I'm glad that it is interesting, I thought maybe I was boring everyone.:lol: I welded up my vin holes because the vin plate on a 72 cab (which I have) is different in size from a 70 (original cab) so I removed the fancy rivets from the back in order to keep the rivet looking proper from the front. I will glue the rivets to the vin plate and then 2 way tape the vin on and no one will ever know.

Kronald_70GMC 03-09-2022 10:45 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”
4 Attachment(s)
Page 2?! What's going on here....:lol: Well it's been quite a busy few weeks here. My wife has gone back to work after her maternity leave on Monday. So about two and a half weeks ago, it hit me that I've got alot of work to get done to get her new home office up and running. Then just as that set in, I received a call at work from the owner of a carpentry company asking if I was interested in a job as a finish carpenter (which has always been a dream of mine). He then proceeds to tell me that it consists of 4 10 hour days with Fridays off.....:metal: You mean I could potentially have a whole second day a week for working on the truck! So that about sums up the last few weeks. Funny thing is the start date for the new job and my wife's job was the same day. So here are some unrelated to the truck, but hopefully enjoyable pictures of some of the other work I've been doing lately.

Getter-Done 03-13-2022 10:32 PM

Re: My 1970 GMC “Project Splice”

Originally Posted by Kronald_70GMC (Post 9049493)
Page 2?! What's going on here....:lol: Well it's been quite a busy few weeks here. My wife has gone back to work after her maternity leave on Monday. So about two and a half weeks ago, it hit me that I've got alot of work to get done to get her new home office up and running. Then just as that set in, I received a call at work from the owner of a carpentry company asking if I was interested in a job as a finish carpenter (which has always been a dream of mine). He then proceeds to tell me that it consists of 4 10 hour days with Fridays off.....:metal: You mean I could potentially have a whole second day a week for working on the truck! So that about sums up the last few weeks. Funny thing is the start date for the new job and my wife's job was the same day. So here are some unrelated to the truck, but hopefully enjoyable pictures of some of the other work I've been doing lately.

That is a Super Cool Room :metal:

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