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Old 05-06-2007, 03:05 PM   #42
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Re: getting truck off stands

Originally Posted by cajundragger View Post
Problem your not seeing is the bag hits its internal bumpstop when the truck hits the ground...this meants weight is distributed between the frame on the ground and the 4 wheels. Weight is still pushing down on the wheels even though its on the ground, if it wasnt the bag wouldnt deflate.
This is incredibly twisted logic, based on an absurd premise-- that is, you seem to indicate that a bag won't deflate without weight on it. First, I doubt anyone would argue that, given the bag's role as the intermediary between the spring and unsprung weight of the car, there is indeed weight on the bag. Second, I can set a bag in the middle of my garage floor, pump it whatever pressure I choose, and when a hole is made in it, it will indeed deflate. It a crazy little physics term we like to call equilibrium... we can all thank that wacky dude, Robert Boyle for figuring that one out.

Adding to the preposterous argument you'vfe made above, you may be aware that steel has a significantly lower coefficient of friction than rubber. This is (I suspect) why tires are made of rubber instead of the more durable steel.

Getting called by the SO... otherwise I'd bore you with more facts.
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