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Old 05-10-2007, 02:38 AM   #18
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Re: 5.3L GenIII /TH400 swap

RacnJsn95; I was aware that there is a flexplate for this swap, however from reading another persons swap I was under the impression that the stock flexplate had bolt holes that would line up so I was planning on that. With carefull drilling I see no problems with doing it this way. AS far as time I only put about 45 hours into it over the week and oculd have done it much quicker if I could have forseen all my problems, but the patience was definatly needed

OLDIRON69; I will post a complete build cost summary when I have time to put one together.

gringoloco; What kinda video do you want to see? You have all seen engines run before, and I can't see burnouts being that cool in an ugly old truck like mine, so what do you want from me?

I know I said I would post yesterday but I took a little break from this truck thing to catch up on everything I negected for the past week. I have been driving it to work. The first time I drove it was to work which is about 35 miles away so I was a little nervous. but I had no problems and I am now pretty confident in it. It definatly has more power then the old 350 and it is very smooth, I haven't really opened it up yet as my throttle cable only allows me to get 3/4 throttle so thats an item for the to-do list.

Well here is some picture of the running install, I still have a lot more work to do to clean up the wiring, fix the throttle cable, make an intake, add some tailpipes to the exhaust, maybe paint the ecu black so it doesn't stick out so much and probably a few more things.

And now to let you see my truck, possibly the ugliest genIII swap vehicle out there, but it is a work in progress and be sporting some beter sheet metal and a lot more black paint over the next few months.

the oil spots on the drivway are actually from my firebird not the 5.3L

Last edited by augie; 04-06-2011 at 01:11 AM.
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