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Old 09-17-2007, 10:53 PM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
Posts: 19,791
Re: The date is set LonghornMan is coming to the NW

Heater works, insides don't smell too bad. You realize it does have an 8 track player dont you? All the lights work. Wipers work, just not sure on condition. No idea on the treads of the parts burb. I know they all hold air. Basically that thing is just a shell, no interior. Good for tossing stuff into but I would try to limit your load. No idea on the cig lighter. Ill have to check on the jack.

You can UPS the extras you want to bring to my office if you want.

I really need a head count of who is for sure going to be there. Ill be providing some food and some soda. IAFF2407 is going to print up some t size fits all, so no requests...they are free. He really is going above and beyond. Especially since he is making the trip from Canada, and picking up Andy at the Bellingham airport.

Please let me know if you're coming for sure. Let me know if you wanna bring anything extra food wise. I have the bbq covered now. We've already had a bunch of the excuse parade check in... ...just giving you guys crap. Who has stuff to do in September? There are no restroom facilities so I guess I better see about renting a sani can...or something.

Here is the address of my In Laws place. The barnyard just past their house (white house, green trim, red roof...dont ask) is where this is happening.

23706 Ben Howard Rd, Monroe WA. 98272
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