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Old 06-24-2008, 02:19 PM   #10
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Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Posts: 82
Re: 69 Fleetside, Build and Sell!

ok well maybe i didnt explain it good enough, im not hiding rust, or anything like that, im removing all rust, doing a good patch job, but i dont have the time or skills to replace everything with new sheet metal, which is where the fiberglass stuff comes into play.. and lots of body panels are either repaired with or replaced wholly with fiberglass, am i wrong?

but the truck wont be "pieced" together, its already a nice truck as is, and as i stated i already have A LOT of NEW parts to install on it.... this is my first chance to do real bodywork on an older car, im mainly an engine and performance person so im using this as a learning experience with it.

but no, im not trying to dupe anyone into buying a truck that is a pos or anything like that. im building it up to look nice and sell to the people i know will want it down here.... if i wanted to sell it to someone who collects classics i would keep it around stock ride height, paint it the traditional two tone or green....... not lower it and use black and orange....

im sorry everyone is misreading what i put up, but i hope that everyone can understand to each his own is a term used best when talking about cars.

but just for one more times sake, no, this isnt a hide the rust, dont tell them the problems, dupe some kid truck.... read the post one more time and look how much work and parts is going into it...

thanks everyone and i hope that i can be some kind of help to the board later on when i get a garage of my own and tools i need to work on my next truck properly.
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