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Old 03-02-2009, 01:18 AM   #10
Commander Taco Bello
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
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Re: 1950 Chevy 3600 - Bumper Punchin'

ok ok... here are a few pictures from today.

Started off the day around 9 to go pick up the trailer and drop some stuff in the dumpster at my friends work. Then we headed out to Newton to pick up Bob 67327 and head out to get the truck. we did the old "pull it up on the trailer with another truck trick" and it worked very well. Here are a few shots of us getting it loaded and tied down:

And we were off. I tried to snap a few pics of it in the mirror, but this is the only one that turned out half decent.

So then we get it home and start unloading it. We had my buddy matt, my 13 year old and myself trying to push the thing off the trailer. It was slow, but we finally got the back half off. then we decided to use the '03 to help out and pushed the whole truck and trailer back to the garage (my driveway has a slight slope to it). We needed a little help behind the wheel, so i asked my wife to hop in and steer a bit. Lets just say she wasn't overly happy with the former mouse condo in the headliner

She'll kill me for posting this pic, but oh well. while she was sitting in it, she said the following:

"This is gonna be MY truck"
"I like it"
"The next project is going to be a "chitty chitty bang bang" car"

So in the span of 5 min my truck gets stolen, I get the green light to build it, and i get the green light for another project. Woot!!

anyways, so we finish getting it unloaded. Here's a shot of me not really doing much good. Although right about then is when i came up with the idea on how to get it off the trailer. Floor jack!

And here's the money shot. truck in the garage, 67-72 poster on the wall, and big block on the stand.

Last edited by IvelDesigns; 03-02-2009 at 01:38 AM.
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