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Old 04-18-2009, 11:21 PM   #8
Eat My Rust
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Re: Ackattack's Pro touring restoration thread

Surely you did get a 6 speed?
6 speed automatic, the 6 speed stick only comes in the GXP, sadly/stupidly.

Originally Posted by Ackattack View Post
I didn't get the GXP for a few reasons.

1) I didn't want to pay for it. Not that I couldn't, but didn't want to. I had a hard enough time with my own mind to part way with that much money even though my wife pretty much told me I could get whatever I wanted
2) The GXP gets 20mpg vs 24 with the GT. I'm already taking a big hit going from my Jetta TDI (50mpg).
3) Really I just don't need it. My truck is going to be my "fun" vehicle and the G8 is my commuter.
I see. When these 1st came out, new owners were reporting an easy 27 mpg on the freeway. The GXP, I'm sure could do fine with proper foot work. Shoot, the LS7 Z06 can achieve 27 mpg highway too.

Just curious, still a GREAT car though, and for the price it's pretty hard to beat. I'd take one... In black.

And, there are tail lights for this car with a red lense.. Maybe call the dealership and see if they can swap them on. Though, I dunno if maybe it's just to differ the V6 from the GT or what, but their out there.

Last edited by texanidiot25; 04-18-2009 at 11:22 PM.
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