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Old 05-26-2009, 10:52 AM   #60
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Re: What's the deal with lowering trucks?

I think it all comes down to a vehicle being a form of expression and I will go as far as to say "ART".

Why did the vehicle manufactureres change body styles over the years and add trim and other (non-performance or functionality oriented ) features onto their vehicles? It is because we like vehicles to do more than just their function. We enjoy their styling.

Paint was originally introduced to serve a simple purpose, and that purpose was NOT to be pretty. It was to resist corrosion.

Now most of us see paint as a means for color.

So to me your original question of why someone would lower a truck would be like asking someon why in the world they would paint a car or truck blue.

The answer would be :

"Well, simply because I like Blue"
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