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Old 09-12-2009, 10:34 PM   #202
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Re: Junkyard Jimmy Super Low Buck Build Thread

It was a long day, got some things done, got other things started. I should have called Mike Rowe and told him to come by today.

(Big guy voice) Tonight, on a special episode of Dirty Jobs, Mike takes on a day of Dirty Hobbies.

(Mike Rowe) Today, I'm spending some time with another Mike on a special episode for dirty hobbies. Now Mike spends his work days as a boiler inspector, and we could have an entire episode on just that. But nope, we're here in Mikes driveway working on this hunk'o $^#*&. You see, Mikes on a mission to take this rattle trap from a junker to the road.

(HG) OK Mike, what I need you to do is lay down here under the rear bumper. See those wires running across there? OK, take 'em out. Yeah, watch for that stuff falling into your eyes, no don't rub it, that makes it worse. Well sure you can slide out a bit, but then the sun will be blinding you. Just don't work with your mouth open, rust is not for internal use.

(Mike Rowe) Hey Mike, this harness doesn't look so hot, and niether do these light assemblies.

(HG) Well lets go out to the junkyard then.

(At the junkyard) See that truck in the 6 foot high burr bushes? That's where we're going. See the yard owner recently cleared a path to the front of the truck. But the parts we need are on the back. So just climb up on the front fender there, with your bucket of tools, then avoid the large burr bush in the engine compartment, climb over the cab, and walk along the bed rail avoiding all the loose body parts in the bed, and jump down into the weeds and stomp 'em flat. Quit your whining, those burrs will pull right off when we get back to the car. What's that, a truck frame is resting against the rear corner of the bed. Awe, you can work around that.

Now just climb back over the way you came or else you'll be one giant burr yourself. Don't forget the bucket of tools and the tail lights, definitely need those.

(back at the car) see, those burrs come right off, and stick else where. You're not getting in the car 'til there gone though.

(Driveway) OK, now I need you to pull that old exhaust pipe out of there. Oops, forgot to remind you not to work with your mouth open under there... No don't rub your eyes. You better just come back out of there and get some eye wash....

Well, that was the first couple hours of my day.

What I got done was a cheap refurbish of the tail light wire harness. Heres what I started with:

I clipped out some bare wires where some trailer wiring was put in, put newer bulb holders in the brake lights, put on some new ground wires, cleaned up a couple broken wires and tested it all out. I got that put back in, then attempted to repair the rusted out area behing the tail lights.

There was nothing to bolt the tail lights too there. So I made some plates and used some body adhesive to hold them in.

That's just some scrap from my C-10 floor. It was kinda tricky though, because the plates wanted to slide down. So I put the plate in, then quickly put the tail light in and got a screw started as the hole slid down to the right spot. I didn't tighten the screws much though so I could push the plate against the rusted area. Once it cured I could remove the tail lights and they were rock solid. Not a bad repair if I say so myself.

I had to let that set, so I started putting in the headers. I got the driver side in. That rear bolt was a total pain in the A55.

What was left of the old exhaust.

I got the passenger side manifold out, but the starter has to come out too for the header to slide in and I got hungry, tired and will get back to it later.

And here's a tip for tool shoppers at NAPA. I needed a socket universal joint ot knuckle. The napa brand was like $18. The Evercraft was like $5 and has a warrantee also. I got a set of 1/4, 3/8 & 1/2 for less than the cost of one napa brand.

edit: forgot to mention the lights cost me $25, kinda high, but they are close and I don't have to pay for shipping. So the total is at $678.

Last edited by hgs_notes; 09-12-2009 at 10:46 PM.
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