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Old 01-06-2010, 09:36 PM   #145
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Re: Over 25 Years Later, Finally My 71 C-10 Truck Build

Kind of sad seeing that my last update was mid-July. I was really making some great progress for a while to that point. Then I tore a biceps tendon and the next several months were a mess. I tore the muscle loading a heater for my garage into my car. I spent some time this fall finishing the insulating in the garage, and getting my heater installed. That was delayed almost 2 months waiting for a LP conversion kit from the mfr, then another week for the contractor to install it. I finally got the heater in and running just before Christmas. Then I was further distracted when I had to go pick up another parts blazer, which is sitting in my neighbors driveway. I needed to get a larger LP tank to really run it, and I finally got that yesterday. I let it run overnight at the lowest setting the thermostat will go, then turned it up this morning, got my work reports completed and headed out to my cozy garage. I've lived most of my life in MN and this is the first time I had a heated garage.

Anyway, the garage was kind of a mess, so some time was spent straightening things out and making room to work. Then I went to the parts store to get some supplies. My wife got me a nice set of sanding blocks for Christmas, but no paper. I needed some filler. I tried the stuff that is a non-mix, sun activated from bondo, but didn't like it. So I picked up some regular stuff and got to work. The first problem was I didn't mix enough hardener in it, so I scraped it off and tried again. The second try went alright. I sanded it down and needed to do a little more. I put another coat on and sanded it down with the 36 grit and I think I did ok. I would have tried spraying some primer, but didn't buy any yet.

I got a set of spray guns this summer and haven't tried them yet. One for primer, one for paint and a detail gun. I'm not even sure which primer to start with to tell the truth. Since the cab has some paint and primer on it, would I use an etching primer, an epoxy primer, or some kind of hybrid. Any tips are appreciated.

I'll post a pic later. I plan on working on this as much as I can this winter, with the hope that I can afford paint this summer and finally get it back together. I've already been set back half a year.

Last edited by hgs_notes; 01-06-2010 at 09:38 PM.
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