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Old 03-05-2010, 01:22 AM   #202
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Re: Over 25 Years Later, Finally My 71 C-10 Truck Build

I've been thinking about how to fix my door. There are a few options.

1. Find a better door? Kinda overkill, mine's not that bad.
2. Use patches and either have someone weld them for me, get a gas set up for my welder and do it myself, or use the adhesive like I have been. The downside to this is having a weld seam along the length of the door or a patch panel and adhesive seam, and having to blend it all in with grinding and filler, etc.
3. Patch the inside and re-skin the outside. The whole skin is only about $65, and mine have had work done before, holes from old mirrors, dent, etc. No welding on the outside required.

Here are a couple threads on re-skinning. It seems easy enough, just be patient, take your time going around the edge, etc...

and here...
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