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Old 03-07-2010, 11:56 AM   #208
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Re: Over 25 Years Later, Finally My 71 C-10 Truck Build

Yeah, I do feel a lot more comfortable with what I'm doing. I'm not going to say I enjoy it, because I don't. But there is a lot of satisfaction with doing it myself and at least in MY mind, succeeding. I lost a lot of anxiety about doing this work and will be willing to take on my own projects in the future, but I won't be volunteering to do this for others. I know why it cost so much for bodywork. There is a lot of time involved and supplies ain't cheap.

The welder will probably see it's first real use on my doors.

I cleaned up the bottom to see what was what. It really wasn't too bad, but there is rust. The inner part is just rusted along the bottom edge, the outer has one hole in a corner. Is it possible to replace just the bottom edge without having to replace the lower door skin? How would you open up the flange or fold over? Is it worth bothering to save the outer skin or is it just easier to pull it off, replace the bottom inner and put on a new skin?

Seems like a waste to buy a whole inner door bottom to just use the bottom edge. Also a waste to buy an outer door bottom for a small patch. But if I don't there will be rust in that bottom seam that will show up eventually.

Ran out of propane after about 20 minutes this morning. It's comfortable in there, but I'm running out of work to do with what I have in there right now. I have to buy parts for both doors. My tailgate and bed are in the storage garage. I'll need a trailer to move the bed and it needs to go to the sandblaster anyway. I need to come up with something to do....
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