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Old 05-22-2003, 07:08 PM   #88
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Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: Seattle, WA, USA
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Look, if this isn't a pattern of behavior for WORNBRAKES then why the hell is the neighbors calling the police???

I live in a neighborhood with really anoying people. Here's a couple of examples:

1. I parked my truck around the block one time (no parking in front of my house) and ended up parked in front of someone's house, but parked in a perfectly legal way. I was parked there for three days while I took the bus to work. While it was parked there the woman who lives in the house I parked in front of reported my truck as "abandoned" to the city, and the city came out and put a ticket on my truck to move it within 24 hours or it would be towed!!!!!!

The city law says a vehicle "abandoned" more than 30 days can be towed away. She didn't like my truck parked there, so she obviously called the city and lied about how long it was parked there - NOT because it was truely abandoned, but because she didn't like my truck in front of her house.

Last I heard she didn't own the curb or the street.

2. At the same time I have neighbors across the street from me (you can't even call them neighbors) who are slowly destroying their house. A woman bought the property for her college-age son to live in while he went to school (house listed @ $385,000), so he and his buddies trash it. Since they moved in last summer they've:

a. Destroyed the front yard by parking every vehicle this kid ownes + all his buddies. Not just cars and trucks. I'm talking Ricers with exhausts, Hummers with HUGE stereos (they love to play at deafening levels @ midnight), 4x4's with Mickey Thompsons that throw mud all over the place, crotch rockets, Mercedes and Audis, etc, etc. Mixed bag.

b. Destroyed the front fence because of complications in part a. (cars trying to get out ran over the wood fence multiple times until it just fell down - complete with rose lattice, mail box, etc).

c. Destroyed the front door and screens by "drunken" accidents.

d. Destroyed the front porch by accidentally running into it, again by point a.

...and that doesn't even highlight what they did to the inside of a newly-remodeled house.

-They throw at least 1 party a week with noise past 2:00 am.
-People mingle out in the street (a main street and not a side street, BTW).
-They have drunken arguments on the sidewalk in front of our house.
-They wait until no one's comming up/down the street and then drag race their motorcycles (@ midnight).
-They always forget to put their trash out on time, so it continues to pile up on the sidewalk until you have to walk in the street to get by their house.

This is on a MAIN street where there's lots of cars driving by and people walking up/down the street. I'm waiting for the day when they accidentally run over someone, or someone gets hurt on their property. Then all hell's going to break loose.

I've talked to the kid who lives there. I've talked to his mother. He gave me the "dude, my friends can be out of control. I tell them to be quiet but they blah blah blah....." story, which is complete BS. I finally told him if they continue to race up/down the street I'll call the police on him. THAT IS A WARNING. Everthing after that is repeated behavior and disturbs the entire neighborhood. It doesn't just hurt my eyes. Get the difference?

Unless this is a pattern then they're being overreactive by calling the police. They just proved that they can't "play well with others". I'm in WORNBRAKE's generation, and I pay taxes, I bought my house, and I'm the one who keeps it looking nice so it will retain it's value. If somebody next to me takes a couple of weeks working on their trucks and makes a mess for a while I'd go over and SEE WHAT HE'S WORKING ON, and not call the police on him!!! I'd wait until it started getting out of control and effecting the neighborhood before I'd go marching over there to raise hell.

REMEMBER: My parents are the ones who had 500 ft. of their trees (150 trees) destroyed by a neighbor because he wanted to maintain his view, so he had some guy jump the fence into my parents' property and cut them down 1/2 way up. THAT is a good example of a bad neighbor.
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
'69 3/4 ton Custom 20 2wd-350ci/4sp Manual
'99 2wd 5.7 Chevy Tahoe
Seattle, WA.

Last edited by COBALT; 05-22-2003 at 07:21 PM.
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