Thread: deal resolved
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Old 06-14-2010, 01:27 PM   #20
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Re: deal resolved

Once more why did you have to reverse payment? Because paypal deposited the money into your account on march 31st.I deposited cash and sent the next day after it show up on the computer as being in my account.I received confirmation from paypal payment sent.I logged onto board to inform you payment was sent.When I did I had pm from you stating not to send payment via paypal as you were having problems with them.I replied and sent pm stating I had already sent paypal and would see if I could withdraw it.I couldn't find anyway to with draw it without filing claim and sent you pm stating such.2 days later I received bank letter stating payment refused and $35 overdraft charge.I sent you pm stating the bank had screwed up and refused payment and I would pick up mo.I went to the bank with deposit slip to find out problem.Their computer showed my account closed due to sitting idle with zero balance for over 6 month.They had transfered the deposit to my savings.The manager agreed that they should not have made the deposit into the account in the first place if closed and let the money show up online as being there.
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