Thread: Screwed
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Old 06-17-2010, 09:51 PM   #42
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Re: Screwed

The worst part, for me anyways, is losing a little trust of fellow board members. I'm comfortable buying from a lot of guys, but after this my list might stay the same length. Which sucks, because if I'm trying to sell stuff I want people to take a chance on me. Even this week I had to think long and hard about committing fully to paying full pop for some stuff, but after I did so both board members stayed in complete contact, provided tracking numbers, etc. etc. etc. It seems 99%, or at least 95% of people on here are good ol' boys, and are great to deal with. Another board member trying to help me out referred me to (am I allowed to mention them?), and at the bottom of there forum page they had a "Bad Member" list...with nobody listed. Might be an idea for here, kind of like a Bad Deal section, but more on the front page, warning people who to stay away from. (I hope I don't make the list...)
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