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Old 08-16-2010, 01:01 AM   #20
56 - autocross
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Re: 56 pro touring build

This suspension goes on a little different than most. The cross member is mounted first and then the boxing plates go around it to capture it.

We learned by TIG welding in the cross member a little about this process on an old frame. The weld that you see here came out OK, not great, (it was TIGed) but the other side would not come out at all. After TIG it had a layer of slag on top of it like you were stick welding it. After posting here and talking to many people, it was concluded that that metal has had so many things dropped on it and soaked in oils and junk, that it is forever polluted unless you heat it up to red hot to burn them all out. This will then screw up the temper. In addition to the pollutants, you have old metal, new metal (cross member) and what ever rod you are using. Too much to match. TIG is great when it is clean but not when it is dirty. MIG is the tool of choice.

The boxing plates were tacked in all the way around and then finished up on the top side leaving the bottom later for finish.
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