Thread: Paint Ideas!
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Old 10-10-2010, 12:44 PM   #5
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Re: Paint Ideas!

I just finished painting my truck this past weekend, two tone- blk/silver (just like my avatar). It was my first two tone paint job, and it was hell....Most of my paint jobs have been on drag cars and not high end looking paint.

My truck was really rough to begin with, not a straight panel anywhere. I just got to a point were I was running out of time to get paint on. My business is starting to ramp up again and I didnt want to be painting in the winter. So I didnt get to spend the time that I really should have on the body work, I have a couple small spots that Im going to have to redo in the future.

I got a brand new high dollar gun to replace my cheapo that I have used for years and it had problems from the get go with the new gun.... Long story short- my advice= stay away from black unless your truck is perfectly straight, or you have super mad body skills. Two tones are nice but they do require alot more time, and if your planning on butting up your paint seams into trim its alittle less stressfull. But if your not using molding your lines need to be perfect! I did everything myself and ended up spending almost $1800.00 on everything related to paint, so I feel pretty good about that. Im just so glad to be past the sanding and body work and finally putting it all back together....
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