Thread: I hate snow!!!!
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Old 01-22-2011, 01:01 PM   #7
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Re: I hate snow!!!!

Originally Posted by monte0185 View Post
I just wanted to clarify I dont blame UPS for doing buisness the way they do I was just aggravated.


No No No, I didn't take it that way at all. I just figured you and others might wonder how/why weather causes UPS (and FedEx) problems.

20 or more years ago a really "Old School" manager told me a story about how some Fog got him into serious trouble. The control tower (FAA) wouldn't give one of our planes clearance to land due to heavy fog. The pilot was pretty much circling and waiting. The manager gets on the radio and tells the pilot that he had better land that #@$%^%$#(*&!!! airplane right now. The manager told me some really nice folks from the FAA had a really long meeting with him to explain the facts of life. LOL
Yeah them FAA people dont take kindly to that sort of thing. Kinda like telling a cop to F$%^&* off. Dont really make for a cheap ticket!! LOL I am sure there are a host of things that cause delays in the shipping buisness that we dont see in the big picture and generally they do a pretty good job. Should have my stuf next week and hopefully the weather will be a little nice. Lots easier to heat my garage that way.
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