Thread: Props to CPP
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Old 03-11-2011, 07:03 PM   #1
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Props to CPP

I am a new member to this board, but not to the world of working on cars and trucks. On 01-28-11 I called CPP to order a Zero Offset SOS Big Brake Grand Slam Kit, a Totaly Tubular Rear Suspension Kit and a steering column for my 69 Chevy C-10. Mario took my order and as soon as I told him what I wanted to order he told me the modular spindles were on backorder and would not be in for about 60 days, however he did have the standard drop spindles in stock if I wanted to go with them and they would be less money. Mario also said the steering column was on backorder and should be availible in about 30 days and the trailing arms were being sent to powder coating and should be ready in about 14 days. I told Mario I was willing to wait because I really wanted the modular drop spindles. Mario also went through the list of parts in the kits that I ordered and credited the list price for all the duplicate parts that were included in both kits and insured I did not get duplicate parts that would not be needed.

About a week after I placed my order with Mario I found the "Reviews" section on the board and begain to read the stories other members of the board were telling and I begain to be very concerned about my order with CPP. I sent an e-mail to CPPJeff since he seemed to be the go to guy at CPP and explained what my concerns were from reading the post on the board. The very next day I received a call from Mario who stated the trailing arms would be shipping out on 02-10-11 (thursday) and he verified that I wanted him to ship all the parts that were in stock at the same time and the items on back order as they came in. On 02-14-11 (monday) I received 8 boxes of parts, everything except the backordered parts and an invoice that showed I was only charged for the parts that were shipped.

On 02-23-11 (wednesday) I received an e-mail that stated the modular spindles had been shipped!!!! I was very surprised since I was not expecting to see them for another 30 days or so. On 02-28-11 (monday) the spindles arrived and looked great.

On 03-03-11 (thursday) I received an e-mail that stated my steering column had shipped and on 03-08-11 it arrived. I have not installed the parts on my truck yet because I did not want to tie up my garage multiple times, I am married and for some reason my wife thinks she should be able to park in the garage for some strange reason. The parts look really good and I cant wait to get them on my truck.

I know some guys have had a bad experience with their purchases from CPP but mine was very smooth and I was told up front when to expect my parts, they even got them to me earlier than I was told. Some of the parts were backordered and I did have to wait for them but I expect that when ordering parts for a 40 plus year old truck. If you guys have the time to wait and do not expect every part you want to be in stock whenever you need it give Mario or Jeff a call. They are some stand up guys.
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