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Old 09-01-2011, 04:28 AM   #3
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Re: TOTM-September 2011-Living in Suburbia!

Originally Posted by GruntMoanCough View Post
I can understand what your sayin', however, when I vote, I vote for the vehicle that I like the most......and then see if I was right , usually I'm wrong.
Next time this is what I'm doin ....I won't say who I voted for....I wan't to keep all my friends !!!!

I believe I voted on or about the fifth day and was surprised when the my favorite burb looked like it was obviously not going to win whether he had my vote or not I voted for my second choice so as to not "waste" my one vote. This proves my point...if my curiosity didn't get the best of me and I didn't look at the ever so visible poll results, my first choice would have at least one more vote than he has now.

Some would say It's never wasting your vote if it is what you really believe.
That in principal is correct ...but if you really know that your guy ain't goin to be the winner, your vote simply becomes symbolic and serves no "real" purpose other than to make a statement. Kinda like voting for Ron Paul, he has a cult like following but in the real world it's a thousand to one shot. If it wasn't for the crazed media and all their daily tracking polls he might have a fighting chance.

Here's a good compromise...hide the polls from the individual forum users until right AFTER they vote....then allow them to monitor till the winner is announced. If it was done this way I guarantee the vote would not be one of a follower but one of the individual's true favorite.

Just a thought.............Rushnbobo
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