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Old 09-19-2011, 02:00 PM   #216
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Re: 1954 Chevy / S10

oldman3, Yes things are getting better. The fenders are fiberglass ,I think they are made by Veridine. They are 3 inches wider. I would not use them again if it was mine. When they made the fenders wider they just used flat metal to make them wider. They should have used an 2 fenders to make one or used an english wheel to make the filler piece. They are too flat on the top. And you can not tell from the pictures on the web that they are not crowned.

99 to Life,Thank you. It is shopline (PPG) epoxy. I can not wait to see it all one color. I guess things are just about back to normal.

The insurance adjuster just left. They will not cover the roof ( which did not look bad) but they are covering the ceilings that when it leaked it ruined. And I think they are covering something in the basement. I had something in my insurance policy for sewer and sump pump damage. So I will know something maybe in a couple days what/if they are paying for some of it. Althought I think is going to rain the next couple of days. I told my wife we are moving to Arizona where is does not rain too much. I am tired of all this rain!

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