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Old 12-06-2011, 12:11 PM   #256
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Re: How about some pics of 88-98 Part II

1badGMC, If a vehicle causes other vehicles to collide, it's their fault.

If both parties mention the "other car pulled out"... The cops should include that in the report.

(Police accident reports)...... Most are inaccurate.

" Entering a roadway from a private property (parking lot), vehicle must yield to ALL traffic."

" Green does not mean Go...... Only proceed when it is clear to do so" (Look before you go) Even if they are running a red light. ..There will be a degree of responsibility on your part.

" If a vehicle swerves in front of you in medium traffic, that is "Competing with traffic" and is a light version of "Unsafe Driving/Reckless Driving".

If you were driving in a straight line, THEN a vehicle forces you to make an evasive maneuver, they are at fault.... THEY were the turning vehicle..... The turning vehicle is more at fault, NOT a vehicle driving straight.


My point is..... Most Insurance Adjusters no little about traffic law. (I used to investigate accidents as an Independent Adjuster) .....

Many Insurance Claims are over before the homework is done, and the Insured / Claimant is screwed..... The Adjuster wants to go to the next file on their desk.
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