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Old 05-02-2012, 01:40 PM   #16
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Re: I want to DD my '71 again

Originally Posted by LEEVON View Post

I'm more concerned with safety and reliability.

I know you guys will roast me for saying this but if you're looking for safety and reliability, a 1971 pick-up isn't it.

Safety wise, a newer sub-compact, with crumple zones, 3-point seat belts, fuel cut-off switches, and 19,000 air bags is a heck of a lot safer than our trucks. Even if they are 2000 pounds lighter.

Reliability wise, I almost hate my daily driver. I'd love to get a newer, nicer looking, faster, better fuel mileage DD but the darn thing starts every time, tells me WAY ahead of time when I need to look at something (check engine light), is easy on fuel, and just won't die. The German in me can't see throwing away a perfectly servicable piece of equipment to replace it with one that MAY save me $200/year in fuel and part with $20,000 in the mean time.

I've seen some pretty fantastic looking wrecks - so bad that you can't even tell what the car is - and the person was treated for a minor bruise and released on the scene.

That rust-repaired area in the floor of your (Not YOUR truck Leevon, but the general category of truck we all drive) truck where your lap belt is attached, is that going to hold up in a 30 mph head on?
45 mph?
55 mph?
To sell a car in this country, all that stuff is tested AND WORKS.

I'm not saying I wouldn't drive my truck to work. I do when I need to. However 10mpg with a tail wind in my truck verses 30+ mpg in my daily driver hurts. It hurts alot. And it doesn't appear that we'll see $2/gallon gas any time soon.

Personally I'd address all your issues (I hate headers and loud exhaust, no AC, and leaks on the garage floor) then go get a modern, efficient vehicle to use 80% of the time making your truck a part-time daily driver.

My opinion is worth what you just paid for it.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN
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