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Old 05-14-2012, 12:51 AM   #28
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Tupelo, MS
Posts: 36
Re: New Member trying to build a TRUCK

It's been over a year since my last post. But I've been on the site lurking around. So here's an update on what's been going on: My sister past away due to breast cancer and my wife gave birth to twins
( our 1st ). May 31st 2011 started out being a normal day, my wife and myself both went to work for a half of a day because we had a regular schedule sonogram to see the progress of the twins. This is when life as I knew it was turned upside down. After the sonogram was over we were waiting to see the doctor and recieve the update of the babies health. We were not prepared for what happened next. The doctor walks in and tells us that we are delivering babies in 2hrs. We were to told to Go home and get your bags and meet her back at labor and delivery. This was a total shock seeing that my wife was only 33weeks alone. But there is a God and someone had to be praying. Because at 33 weeks Jacob was born 4.5lbs and Madelyn Cheyenne was born at 2.9lbs. Really small, but neither one of them ever had to recieve any breathing treatments nor feeding tubes. ( what a miracle ) They had to be admitted to ICU due to being premies. Jacob was there for 2.5 weeks and Madelyn was there for 1mth 4days neither could come home until they had put on some more weight. Needless to say once they were both home my truck sat 75 percent complete for aprox 9mths untouched besides maybe to crank it ever now and then. I even thought about getting rid of the truck, but seeing others here on the site improving and completing their trucks and my wife encouraging me to finish the truck I've gotten a little of my mojo back. I've been working pretty steady on it for the last 2mths and i'm planning on taking it to the Good Guys show in Nashville, Tn May 18-20th. It's not totally done but I think that it’s time for me to bring it out for a little sunlight.
I would like to say thank you to all that make this site happen. Just to see others working on their projects will light a new fire within you.
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