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Old 05-14-2012, 09:15 AM   #12
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Re: Moral Dilemma: How long should I wait?

I agree with 11Chuck.

I just shipped a truck in February (state to state mind you, howver in the middle of no where in MN), but the shippers were great in keeping me up to date and the status (including the broker) on the time frames and routes. They get paid when your product gets shipped, so they want that product to move quick.

Cutting him a break because of the shipping costs? It is the price of doing business my friend, I understand it is not the greatest thing having to ship it to another country, but unfortunately it is what it is.

I would call him up this week and tell him your status. The truck has been there since March, he has not had anyone pick it up, he drove down to look at the truck (seems he may have to bit the bullet and drive down himself and get it), and he has not offered you anything for being generous and allowing it to say on the property that long?
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