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Old 07-09-2012, 11:36 PM   #8
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Location: Yerington, Nevada
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Re: Check this out-nice little 2-speed fan harness...

I'm NOT arguing at all, I KNOW better than to fall for the electric fan con job, but, some just plain refuse to get the message. There are places for electric fans, designed for emissions engines that run at nuclear temps to reduce emissions, keep chamber temps up in aluminum engines that dissipate heat a lot faster and more efficiently than cast iron ones, and, our older engines that need completely different parameters to correctly cool at a lower temp.

Seems when someone else posts the con job they have read all over the net, it is blindly believed as gospel, but, when someone that knows the real truth posts it, he is lambasted as an idiot, as I was above, by jhayman. It seems that posting the real truth, the way it really works, just isn't what to do any more, as people just won't believe it, as opposed to the advertizing hype con job, the "gospel" according to sales departments.

Now, of course, he is fully welcome to his opinion, and nobody is trying to stop his voicing it, but, when someone else posts a dissenting one, from hands on experience, he shouldn't do any and everything to try to paint the other person as a moron about the topic, as he did towords me.
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