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Old 08-11-2012, 09:42 PM   #14
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Re: 41DegreesSouth Build Thread

Hey Tony,

Volcano was about 125 miles North of here. Wind was westerly so didn't even smell anything till the next night. More a burp (fart?) than an eruption. And this just in....."Scientists say there is still a 50/50 chance that Mount Tongariro could erupt - and it could be at any time." Seriously, just cut that out of the local rag! Idiots. But yeah, it had been quiet for hundred years. Stuff happens when you live on a tiny island on the edge of a couple of plates.
I actually saved this photo out of the paper the other night. Cause it happened at midnight no real photos.
What actually caught my eye as well was the westerly blowing over the mountain range to the south and how straight a line the cloud formed over the mountain range.
Oh, one last thing, that black shape on the upper edge of the white circle is Lake Taupo. Interesting thing about that is, even though it ain't stickin up like a volcano, it's the 'cone'(?) vent thing for what is one rather large volcano! Apparently 'they' say there is just as much chance that it will be the next one to go...

Truck pic's next..
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1972 K2500 Long Box
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