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Old 10-17-2012, 02:21 AM   #92
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Re: HOW TO: Split the brake lines (many have asked)

JrJc66, Actually a lot of cars do use a diagonally split braking system like you described. It's very common on front engine, front wheel drive cars. They don't have very much weight over the rear wheels so the rear brakes alone often aren't enough to safely stop the car if the front brakes were to fail. With the diagonally split system, at least one of the front brakes will still be working.

At first, it seems like that would be a good idea for a pick-up truck too since they don't have a lot of weight over the rear wheels either when they're not carrying a load. But from what I understand it's not done (or recommended) because the front suspension/wheel design usually has a positive scrub radius that would cause the truck to pull hard to the outside with only one front brake working. Cars with diagonally split braking systems are all designed with a negative scrub radius so they'll pull to a stop straighter (in theory anyway) with only one front brake working.
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