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Old 11-04-2013, 07:36 PM   #10
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Re: Color/Plan for the project suggestions

Originally Posted by 77ChevySharkBite View Post
I understand sometimes you do have to do things on a budget so no worries.

Yeah red, blue, and black are probably my 3 top favorite colors.

I wish it was mine, but yes indeed it's a sharp looking truck. No problem at all I have a c10 so not everything is the same between our trucks, but if you ever have any questions shoot me a PM and I'll answer it the best I can or direct you in the direction someone else might be able to answer it better.

Don't ever forgot about the infamous Craigslist you can find great deals on there as well. Also use these 2 links as well they can be very helpful as well we have some great vendors on here with great products, and also check out the classifieds sometimes you can find things you need for a good deal. The first link is for our vendors the 2nd one will be our classifieds

We here on the forum have some great and knowledgeable guys on here so hope you here for a while and don't think any question is stupid don't be afraid to ask again we're all very helpful and try to help out each other no matter how big or small the matter.
Thanks so much man! I'll be sure to do that, and I'll check out the links you included. It seems like I've found a treasure chest of knowledge and help. Thanks for the help because I think you and I both have the healthy addiction to the beauty we see in a vehicle. Magnificent isn't it?

Again thanks and I look forward to you helping me with any future troubles or questions I have. The best of luck to you and your trucks!
If It runs like a Chevy, it probably is!
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