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Old 12-22-2013, 01:47 PM   #17
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Rapid City, SD
Posts: 322
Re: Who wants to play a game?? Fleet-Step Hybrid???

Originally Posted by McCoyAZ View Post
okay, then don't.
If your familiar with Photoshop its pretty simple. Most of the editing was with the clone stamp tool. To extend the bed I actually copied the door over to meet up with the rear fender. Then I used the history brush to put the rear cab line back in. Clone stamp was used to do all the shaving with an opacity set at between 40% and 60%. Polygonal lasso was used to select then copy the body and tires. After pasting the body back on a new layer and lowering it, the landscape was clone stamped down to disguise the previously higher roof line. I also used the lasso tool to select and copy the rear part of the fender behind the back tire to extend it down and meet up with the front of the bottom box line. The gap in between was filled in with the clone stamp. The roof chop, shaving, and grille were all done with the clone stamp. The angle on the grille was done by selecting with the polygonal lasso, free transforming and then selecting the skew option. The empty spaces left from shifting the grille were filled in with the clone stamp. I also used the burn tool to adjust some of the shading in the cab corners and reflection spots on the paint.

It was all pretty easy. The hardest part of all of it was the blending. Its all pretty straight fwd though. Sorry about the choppy write up. I never claimed to be a writer.
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