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Old 04-04-2014, 09:50 AM   #8
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Location: Vancouver Island B.C.
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Re: 1972 Jimmy Resurrection

I'm using a Lincoln 180 HD but on a low setting with .023 wire. If your having trouble with plug welds make sure the surface is very clean. If it was a bit rusty on the surface try treating it with Picklex 20 the night before. The stuff seems to make the welds flow better. Other tricks are to make sure the two panels are as tight together as possible. You can't get to the back there so tap around the hole with the pick end of a body hammer ore use a sheet metal screw to suck the together and weld up the hole afterward. I always clean off the metal around the plug weld, start just outside and drop in. Then work the puddle around the edge and fill in the centre last. If there is a bit of spatter you've got to wait for it then keep the puddle moving smoothly.

Hope this helps

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