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Old 04-30-2014, 08:34 AM   #1
Low Elco
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Re: Old Yeller's new heart-5.3/4l60 swap!

Completely Unrelated (but joyous) Update!

Longtime followers may remember that we sent the radio out to have a bunch of groovy updates done to it. Supa custom and stuff... It worked grrreat, 'til you started the motor. BRRRRRRRRRRRR.... not turbo weeeee, BRRRRRRRR. So, I have a friend here at work that's a former electronics tech and a car guy and I conned him into coming over with his super groovy meters and stuff. So, we changed some ignition stuff, nuthin'. Changed some wiring stuff, nuthin'. Started pawing up under the dash, dead quiet. Then BRRRRRRR. "What'd you do?" "I don't know!" "Do it again!" All he did was squeeze the radio chassis' top. Hmmm. So we tore it all out.

Near as we can figure, there's a circuit board vertically installed with a bit of room between the top of the board and the insulating plastic sheet on the stock chassis, and it came loose from whatever socket it plugs into during shipping. Leading to loose connection, leading to BRRRRRRRRR. Took the lid off, poked and prodded, plugged it in, dead silent. Fired it up, dead silent. Plugged the Ipod in, silent. Hooked up the amplifier, dead silent.

Oh, and after months of fighting and desperation with ignition problems and carb problems, Neighbor Jay got the Sprint car running running last night. Not fire up and sputter and rev and hunt and burp and fart, but run smoothly. We're all pretty excited. Looks like we're goin' racin' this weekend!

So hey, it would appear that we finally fixed at least one of the mystery ills on this damn truck. Not LS related, but even a small victory is a victory, right?

Last edited by Low Elco; 04-30-2014 at 08:42 AM.
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