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Old 05-20-2014, 10:39 PM   #608
Low Elco
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Re: Project '64 Cheapskate

Originally Posted by chevyrestoguy View Post
I found out the hard way about the cat-in-the-attic. About a week after we moved in, we heard a scratching sound coming from the ceiling of the master bedroom at about 2am. Not knowing anything about the house, I was a bit freaked out, but I grabbed the ladder and opened the attic access. When I kicked on my flashlight, I was about 3" away from a fossilized turd and I flipped out. I thought that there was a GIANT rat in the attic! It turned out to be a mouse, which I resolved quickly with a trap. After talking to the neighbors, I found out that the weirdos that owned the house before me had a cat and a dog that didn't get along. The only safe haven for the cat was the attic, which it used as a litterbox. The idiots even facilitated the cat's access to the attic by stacking a bunch of boxes against the wall and knocking a hole in the sheet rock in the ceiling of the garage and even cutting a hole in the firewall (!) between the garage and the house. This was done by the same guy who lost a finger by oiling the chain of his motorcycle while it was up on a stand running and spinning the rear wheel......seriously. A real brain surgeon. I wound up replacing all of the insulation in the attic because of the cat doody.
Dimwits heve their uses, though. Bet you got a good buy-in, but ohhhhh the horror! (lol! Been there.) Hope it levels out and you're back in the shop soon. Some of us need some inspiration 'round here!
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