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Old 11-15-2014, 02:23 PM   #23
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Re: Do's/Don'ts of Engine Cleaning (Tell us your experiences...)

NJc10Guy, My '66 c10 250 has room for a bed under the hood and I suppose the engine could be painted without removing it. Obviously, you are not going to get the paint job you would get if the engine were removed. I have read over and over again that the I6 250 is no big deal to take out. It seems to me that you would be spending a lot of time doing the masking that you mentioned, plus you might want to remove some accessories, hoses, etc. Look, every guy does his own paint job. You can spend a day painting or you can spend a week, and I am sure there are guys who will spend a month to get the result that they want. You get what you sow, I would say. Anyway, do what you gives you joy and enjoy what you did.
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