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Old 11-03-2013, 03:40 PM   #9
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Re: Low Buck Build Threads Help or LBBTH

Yeah man. I started this thread to help others and to help me find motivation. I've had my truck since '97 so if all goes well and I can stay motivated I hope to start a build page and combine a lot of ideas and tactics of some of these really kool low buck builds. There's so much here to read and see. If you haven't taken the time you need to. You will find that these trucks are all in different levels of completion and skills. None of them are hack jobs. They are really well put together. I may start doing a low buck truck of the month. Won't be as prestigious as the TOTM on here but still there's so many cool trucks. I wish I could get more guys to post up more trucks. I hope you guys will head my call. Thanks.

If you haven't checked out cubber's build you really should. It's one more of those trucks that has the right look and feel. It is easily one of my favorites, at least a top ten.
The low buck build threads. Check'em out!
My build thread
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