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Old 02-27-2015, 01:09 AM   #81
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Boise, Idaho
Posts: 65
Re: Operation 1950 Burn Victim

Got in two good days of progress. Still working on the minor details and waiting on the Cab. It better be perfect for as long as it has been out.

Basically I am aligning the clutch and brake pedals as well as the gear box.
Waiting on the axle to get back from the machine shop so I figured it was time to get the carbs ready to go.

But FIRST!!!!
A fun weekend.
My dad and little brother wanted a "project" truck. Well, we ended up with 2. A 69' Chevy and a 67' GMC.
While we were up in the hills getting these two trucks we found a killer Burb that looks like a past owner added some back side windows.

Here is the 67' GMC and where we got it from.

Ok so on to the build job.

While waiting on other stuff and people, it is gear box detail time.

And one Carb:

Rear cab mounts are on and ready.

Some fuel system going in.

Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, blah blah blah.

Dem Carbs!!

Apparently I forgot to take pictures of the throttle bases detailed. My Bad!!!

Alternator and bracket and belt. Done!!

Not that it has any bearing on this build thread (it does on my other one) but this is just too beautiful NOT to share.

Yes. Pure Pontiac Power.

Monday I should have that axle back and that means brakes and steering are going in. I will have that carbs finished up by then as well.
She is coming right along.
Thanks again everyone for following. This is the best job ever.
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