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Old 04-12-2015, 11:01 PM   #11
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Re: slow ride (redux)

picking bed wood. I spreadsheet everything haha

decided on 8" boards, the factory setup is a combination of different sized boards, but I want it more uniform
laying it out, I got a new in box polished stainless strip kit with the 63 long bed parts truck, so all the strips will need trimmed. lays out nice, none of the bolts should interfere with the bed braces.

$5 per piece

$15 per piece

trying to decide if I need to spend 3x. if I do the $5 boards I may do the diesel/used motor oil stain on them, if $15 probably thompsons water seal.

picked up some awesome old school gear for the 65, some ancient impact truck boxes, a carver amp with T03 transistors and load based rail voltages, and a yamaha eq with an aux in.

I am PUMPED, the stuff looks brand new.
the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation

if there is a problem, I can have it.

new project WAYNE
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