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Old 06-24-2015, 08:46 PM   #14
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Re: 1967 k20 ( CST PRO ) build

At the moment set aside the possibility of the truck being rare. All of that goes out the window once things start being changed. Also if your being told custom trucks[customized, not trim level] are worth more than originals that is far from true. If a person builds a customized truck they way they want[I feel you should build it just like you want] then in case the time comes for it to leave [some say they will keep them forever but life happens]and you have built it the way you want it dramatically reduces the potential sales pool. More people had rather buy close to original then change it to what they want not what you want.
Now with all that being said I think you should build it the way you want then have the truck you want. I think you have some good ideas and the time off with your hand can help you make a plan instead of jumping headlong into it then changing mid build. Enjoy. Jim
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