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Old 08-01-2015, 05:02 PM   #5
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Re: Mid-project doldrums

I like to cut mine into little slices. Make a list of things that need done on one system and attack that. After sitting back for a while it always looks like so much work left to do so it's less overwhelming if I just look at little tasks. I also try to make myself do at least one thing productive on it every day I am around the house. Even one step forward is progress. I also don't sweat the time it takes. As long as I'm getting something done the way I want it I view it as a success.

The only way to get over the slumps us to pick up the tools and dig in! I'm sneaking up on four years under construction and some times it feels like a never ending thing.

I also made a rule that things don't get stacked on the truck. If it's not truck parts it doesn't go on the truck. If I have parts laying around it means I need to use them and that helps too.
72 K20 12v build
72 K20 "parts truck"

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