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Old 08-13-2015, 04:43 PM   #7
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Re: Lifes little bumps

Life is tough. Hope your wife heals up soon and life slows back down a bit so you can get onto things you want to do.
Old saying comes to mind; "Life's a sheet sandwich. The more bread you got, the less sheet you have to eat".

I find the easiest way to actually get moving on a stalled project again is to make a list of "everything I want to do to it" both big and small. Give each item a number. Once done I look through and bypass those items that take big money or time and pick one little item at a time that can be accomplished in short order for little or no money. Before you know it I am starting to move forward again. A lot of times getting started is a huge step.

Wish you and yours the best, from another guy who needs inspiration from others now and again.
"Life is too short to drive a boring vehicle".
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