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Old 09-06-2015, 06:38 PM   #35
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Re: TF running hotter on highway than in-town.

Originally Posted by mr48chev View Post
Actually 210 with the air on after a ten mile run isn't even considered hot if the engine were in the rig it came out of in the first place. That's called operating temp.

I can never figure out why guys get out of their late model dailies that operate at 200 to 220 degrees on the norm and then pee their pants when their hot rod gets a tad over 190 or even up to 190 with the same engine that they have in their late model.

The problem here is that what is happening isn't normal and the engine temp should drop out on the highway at 70 mph by all known standards. If it spiked up really high I'd say you had the wrong rotation on the water pump but unless someone made a serious mistake that shouldn't be the issue. That leaves air flow. If you had easy access to the highway you could pull the fan and shroud off the truck and bop out and hit the road and see where the temp runs and go from there.
I agree with you with the first part of this post. If 210 was as hot as it would ever get on the highway, I'd be fine.
But, it was 95 out and it was flat highway.
I want to have the capability to drive this truck in worse conditions than that.
On a hot summer 110 degree day and running one of those extended 4% grades you can get in places even on interstate, I'm afraid I could be at over 225 with the way the truck is now. Even though that wouldn't damage it, I just don't plain want it to run that hot. I may lose some coolant at that temperature too.
Even if I do figure out and solve issues of why it runs hotter on the highway that in-town, I think it still may run 210 to 215 on a 110 degree day in stop and go traffic. That's not horrible but still warmer than I would prefer.

I would feel much better if I had numbers like 205 around town in the worst of conditions and 200 on the highway in the worst of conditions. I want some breathing room between the hottest actuals and running too hot for me.
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