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Old 12-18-2015, 08:35 AM   #13
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Re: Need advice, on my "Surprise!"

I think there is enough distance between the lines and the crack you could get by with wrapping them with a heat shield to protect them . Just loosen the straps and pull them away from the frame some and wrap it . I think at the very least you will have to remove the bed to have proper access .

It looks like the part the shock is attached to is bent up and will need to be bent back down and welded . Best I can tell it looks like the lower part of the frame is not bent , just the shock mount pushed up . If the bed still looks like it lines up than this is most likely the case .

To get a proper weld all the crack areas all the way around will have to be ground down to create a fill weld to penetrate enough to make a permanent fix . Do not let anyone do a surface weld . It will not hold and you will be doing it again at some point .

Hope things work out .
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