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Old 02-04-2016, 11:54 PM   #169
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Location: Midland, Texas
Posts: 203
Re: Supercharger for my Apache

Attached is a video of the first startup and drive of the truck with the supercharger hooked up. All I can say is "WOW" what a difference! EE nailed the tune up first try. Don't get me wrong this truck is not fast. That was never the goal. However the difference is like night and day. Our goal with this project was to have a vintage vehicle with the convenience and reliability of modern EFI, enough power to safely travel with modern vehicles, and is fun to drive. It meets every expectation I had and then some. After I get a few more miles on it I will do some performance runs to compare with the earlier ones.

I also want to thank my good friend Greg (aka EE). Not only for all the hundreds of hours he spent working on the truck, but also for all the encouragement and for being around to bounce ideas off of. The truth is most of the really good ideas are his. Without his help this project may never have been finished. At the very least I know it would not be as cool or as reliable as it is.
"In an insane world a sane man must appear insane" ~Spock~
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