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Old 02-08-2016, 09:16 PM   #1
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Location: On a Mission in BC
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The $200 70' GMC...

Sometimes in life (at least for myself) things just work out for the best...

I'll start with a short backstory....was on the search for a 73-80 GMC 3/4 ton 4wd 4spd longbox. Sure enough find one a boat ride seller, speak to him ask to send me detailed photos. Sends photos, I call him back, I tell him I'm interested and will send a deposit via e transfer to him on Monday...well without going into all the fine details he shoots me a text a day later saying he sold the truck......guess he couldn't wait a day.

So now I'm a little PO (that doesn't stand for previous owner)...haha. Exhaust all my leads on the usual buy & sell sites craigslist, kijji,ect,'s getting late, so I decide to try Auto trader a site that I never check out....Low and behold I find an add that was posted earlier that day, it's around 1:30-2:00 am in the morning now and I'm trying my hardest not to call the seller....

Around 8am I call the seller, sure enough still for sale but tells me he has had 4 callers before me. Oh I failed to mention he was also a boat ride away, told him would call back in 10 min. Frantically I call everyone that might have someone in the sellers neck of the woods....nothing... call the feller back and tell him I give him my word I will take it. Just need to figure out a truck & trailer to haul back. Seller says your word is good with me and will consider it sold......2 hours later had a buddy on route the next day to the island picking it up for me.....

Sure is nice in today's world that giving your word is still solid....

Behold.....the $200 GMC.........

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